Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Walker is so lucky!

So Walker has been having some really terrible days at school lately. As in, really really bad. Numerous time - outs (two during the same outside play time), hitting others with his blanket during naptime, calling names (poopoo head but that is a bathroom name and not nice), hitting a friend in the head because she didn't want to play puppy dogs anymore, and the list goes on and on. His teachers and I talk every day and we are all working so hard to get this fiesty, full of life 4 year old in check. He has been getting in trouble daily when he gets home for how he acts at school. We have a reward system at home that he has to get 5 triangles colored to get a new slinky (his choice). He gets to color in 1 triangle for every good day he has. Unfortunately he only has 2 colored in so far.
Yesterday, I actually let him color one in even though he had a little trouble at nap and got a time out for playing with pencils. Actually, let me be clear...he actually went to time out because his teacher told him like 4 times to put the pencil down. He got to color in the triangle because his sweet teacher, Miss Reagan, said he did great during circle time. I am not sure if she feels sorry for him or if he was really good during circle time ... but, I'll take it either way. So, we colored in a triangle and cheered really loud because we are making progress...One thing at a time, sweet Jesus. It is really sad when I drop the kids at school, get back in the car, and literally pray all the way to work (and whenever I think about it during the day) that Walker will just listen to his teachers and have a decent day.
Well, today his Daddy picked him up early for a check - up. Neither one of his regular teachers were in the room and Dad doesn't ask a lot of questions anyway; therefore, we don't exactly know how the day went. So, Walker gets to color in a triangle. He reports that he had a good day which doesn't necessarily mean much. He always says he had a good day; he usually has to be gently reminded of all the time - outs,etc. Whatever the case, he now has three triangles colored in on the refrigerator and only needs 2 more to get that new slinky. Please Lord, let him have a good day tomorrow...he doesn't have to be perfect just not terrible!
I would like to add this here. This is all actually my mother's fault. She admits that when I was little she told me that she hoped I had a child just like me. And from her report, her wishes came true. Thanks, Mother!
Praying for a good day tomorrow...

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