Tuesday, November 5, 2013

As oft as "they" pass by...

As I am preparing for my upcoming trip to Mexico (deep breaths...breath, don't forget to breathe), I have been drawn back to the story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4. I will not tell the whole story (but it is really good you should go read it...now), but I will share the beginning, the part that continues to speak to me. (As always, I throw out my disclaimer that I am no theologian...this is just my take on it).

2 Kings 4:8 "And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread."

The prophet Elisha is passing through town and this woman, apparently not knowing he was a great prophet, shows kindness and hospitality to him. This woman had no ulterior motive; she needed nothing from Elisha. However, she has been greatly blessed ("great" in the context of the verse means financially well off) and extends Christian compassion to Elisha.

This thought continues to resonate with me....that this woman needed nothing, expected nothing, wanted nothing of Elisha. She wasn't helping him because he was a great man of God. She was simply fulfilling her Christian duty of showing love to others. How often do I do this? How often do I show love, kindness, compassion to strangers (or anyone else for that matter)? And if or when I do, do I expect something in return? Maybe not from the actual person, but do I expect someone to notice and pat me on the back? This was not the mindset of this remarkable woman. She was just sharing her blessings with a stranger who was passing through town.

Finally, I stop to consider that scripture says that "as oft as he passed by," the Shunammite woman provided for Elisha. She did not just help him one time. Her attitude was not "I helped him once, he needs to make provisions next time"! Ouch...that hurts I KNOW!!! How many times do I think I have done something wonderful because I helped someone out. Yay! Go me! No...shame on me! Elisha was provided for by this woman every time he went through town.

Surely, I am not the only one that is convicted by this great woman's kindness? God, give me the heart of this woman. Put someone in my path that I can help. Allow me to show love and kindness to someone and help me to do it with a thankful, gracious heart! Help me to do so as oft as "they" pass by.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Standing on the Promises

Today's Reading: Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12

So let me once again remind you all that I am not a Bible scholar...just someone trying to read the Word, make some connections, and allow God to lead me. As I was reading the verses for today, which are moving and emotional (well, almost....we all know I am not an emotional person), I kept making the connection back to yesterday's reading. I continued to think about how God really does keep his promises (DUH, I know sounds so trivial).

Let me begin by saying that if you have never read this part of Isaiah,  you should stop now and go read it. What the Bible say is MUCH more important than what I have to say. Isaiah prophesies the coming of Christ and how he will be "wounded for our transgressions" and "bruised for our iniquities" (Isaiah 53:5). Isaiah tells how he Christ would die for our sins; God's ultimate purposes will be fulfilled in the death, burial, and resurrection of His son. Amazing and humbling!

One thing that really spoke to me was in verse 10 of Chapter 53, "yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him". Haven't I JUST read that somewhere? YES!!! Yesterday in Genesis 3:15 I read "it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel". In this verse God is speaking to the serpent. God promises the serpent that he would deliver the deathblow to Satan but he would also be bruised Himself. Now I don't know how many years separate Genesis and Isaiah but I do know that God kept his promise.

God promised it in Genesis, Isaiah propehesied about it and on over in the New Testament Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection fulfilled God's promise of being bruised Himself. Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave which I would say was a pretty big blow to Satan, fulfilling another promise! We are told that Jesus will return one day and deal the final blow to Satan... but I am really getting ahead of myself here.

Today I am so thankful that God used these two little pieces of verses to remind me that he keeps his promises...he keeps his promises to Satan, he keeps his promises to the Jews, and he keeps his promises to ME!!! Jeremiah 29: 11 says, " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end"! "An expected end" has also been translated "a future and a hope".  How exciting that God promises ME peace and hope!!!

Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let His praises ring!
Glory in the highest I will shout and sing; standing on the Promises of God!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What was Adam thinking?!?!?

This blog post is going to be different than ALL of my other posts, which I do realize is not very many, but nevertheless this will be different. A little background: I have finished Read Through the Bible in 90 Days, Read Through the Bible in 6 Months, and have today started Read Through the Bible in 3 Years. I know big jump! I found an app on my phone and just put in today as my start date and took off. This particular app, Bible Base, leads you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament 3 times over a 3 year period. Hopefully, this will force encourage me to study a little harder and not just read words (I realize I am the ONLY one who does this)!

The rest of the story is that Micah and I are planning to go to Mexico City in November and I have to speak to a group of women (DEEP BREATHS!!!) I am so nervous about this that I start to feel sick just typing about it. I have never spoken in front of  a group of women (or anyone for that matter) and have no idea where to begin. So my plan is to begin this Bible Reading program and put down my thoughts about daily readings that really speak to me. And while doing this in a Microsoft Word document is a choice, and honestly I probably should, I figure I'll just put them on here and my parents, siblings, and in-laws can read them. Because in all honesty, that's probably the extent of my reader list!! So here goes...

Today's Reading: Genesis 3:1 - 24
This is the Chapter where the serpent tempts Eve, she eats of the fruit, offers to Adam, he eats of the fruit, they hide from God, God clothes them, God curses the serpent, Adam and Eve are exiled from the Garden of Eden. Ok, that is the story in a nutshell. But a few specific things spoke to me in this reading.

  • Eve gets most of the blame in this story, ok all the blame and rightfully so. But in verse 6 Eve "gave also unto her husband WITH her; and he did eat". It didn't say that Eve had to go look for Adam but that he was with her. It appears that Adam was watching this exchange and looking on. This could take a lot of directions here (wife not following husband, husband not leading house, etc) but the direction I want to take is that Adam was watching this sin. Watching his wife be tempted. He must have seen that Eve "saw that the tree was good for food... [and] pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise". Instead of warning Eve of where she was headed, instead of discouraging her from eating, maybe Adam simply stood by and watched Eve head down the path to sin...and followed her. How often do I do this? Do I stand by and watch others be lured into the path to sin and say nothing? Do I watch people make decisions that are going to have a negative impact on the rest of their life and never warn them? Do I follow others down paths of sin when I KNOW better? As easy as it is to see where Adam should have stepped up and said something, sadly, I too have stood by and simply followed.

  • Not to keep picking on poor Adam, but on down in verse 12, Adam tells God "the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat". How about this? How often do I blame others? How often do I say,"if God would not have done this then I would not have done that"? I may not say it out loud but I know I think it. God may have allowed them to be tempted but 1  Corinthians 10:13 says "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it". God doesn't promise that we won't be tempted, nor does he promise that he will jerk us right up out of the midst of temptation but that we will be able to bear it. It might not be pleasant...it will probably be very painful but God promises we will be able to bear it! (Maybe Adam didn't know this because the letters to the Corinthians were not written yet!?)

  • Finally, I love that in verse 20, after all the two have been through, Adam calls his wife "Eve, the mother of all living". Although Adam and Eve had traveled down a road of sin, hid from God and suffered greatly for it, Adam still had faith and was looking to the future with hope. Adam had faith and trusted in the promises of God (verses 15 and 16). Thankfully, God still gives hope for the future. Thankfully, God still holds to his promises. He fulfilled his promise of sending our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must have faith to follow. No matter what road of sin we have traveled or are even traveling now, God is still calling us, seeking us, and wants us to turn back to him.
I do not profess to be a theologian or even know very much about the Bible. These are just a few things that spoke to me in this Chapter. I am just putting in writing what the Lord is speaking to me as I read these verses and try to study them. If I am off or out of line on anything, please let me know. And by all means, prayers for November are GREATLY appreciated!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

For such a time as this...

The past week or so I have been very convicted about my concern and care for others, or should I say lack thereof. I get so wrapped up in ME and MY family and MY schedule and MY excitements and MY issues that I am blind to those around me. There are people suffering around me and I seldom take the time to notice or care, much less attempt to do anything about it.
When I truly examine myself and my actions, my thoughts, my feelings...it is simply tragic and embarrassing at the amount of time I spend worried about ME and MINE!
Or when I am not worried about ME..I am a worried about others but in a negative way. They don't measure up to what I think they should be. Soooo...I tell them about ME. How I do things and how great I am. Now maybe I don't say it in those words, but after some soul - searching I am pretty sure that's how others take it.
Or maybe when I do take the time to try to listen to someone, I tell them all the things they did wrong to get to and maybe deserve where they are.
I carry on with my daily life...focused on seemingly important things. But those things become so minor when I take a step back and realize...there are people in my path everyday begging for a kind word, wishing I would give them hope and reason to keep going, anticipating that today is the day I will pay them attention. And what do I do? Nothing. And I am not saying I am anything special that people are begging for my attention because I am some sort of rockstar. But when I look around me, I realize there are men, women, boys, and girls begging anyone to give them a kind word, hoping for someone to give them a reason to keep going, and needing attention.

So God intervenes once again, getting my attention and pulling me ever so painfully back to him...I have a student who needs me in a major way, a sister in Boston who desperately needs hope in a city that is struggling to pick up and keep going, and a sister who attends a college where a crazy person was stabbing people who needs me to remind her that I love her and I'm praying for her. God got my attention..I hear it loud and clear.

In God's grand scheme, Esther was chosen as queen so that she could save the Jews. She was courageous and faithful and fulfilled her duty. Had Esther been worried about herself, she knew the destroying of the Jews was inevitable. But maybe, just maybe, she was "come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14.
Now, I am no queen and nowhere near as courageous as Esther but what if there are people in my life and in my daily path that God has put there "for such a time as this"? What if I would cease to focus on myself and begin to focus on those around me...I come in direct contact with 100 teenagers EVERY DAY! I work with a school full of other adults. I attend church at least 3 times a week with my closest friends. And the daily and weekly instances in which I interact with others in endless.  What if God has a plan for me like he did for Esther? What if there is a need that God is expecting me to fulfill and I am too focused on myself to notice.
Proverbs 21:13 says "whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but not be heard". Lord, forgive me when I have failed to listen to the cry of those around me and help me to be faithful to follow You!

Everyday they pass me by,
I can see it in their eyes.
Empty people filled with care,
Headed who knows where?

On they go through private pain,
Living fear to fear.
Laughter hides their silent cries,
Only Jesus hears.

People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize, people need the Lord?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Silver and Gold have I none...(or diamonds)...

On November 19, 2005, Micah promised all his earthly goods to me. And while that sounds extremely romantic, that wasn't much back then! (It's still not much but it is more than then).

Rewind to the Spring/Summer before that...we wanted to get married; we knew that. Micah was a seminary student and youth and associate pastor at Eastside in Minden. He was only part time at the church so when it came to money...well, it was limited. Micah so badly wanted to buy me an engagement ring but me, being the bossy brat that I am, was adamant that he not take a loan out for it. Honestly, both of us knew that we did not need to begin our life together with ANOTHER bill. Some offered to give him the money, but he wouldn't have that either. I was ok with no engagement ring although many people thought I was CRAZY and so kindly told me so. Nevertheless, he proposed and we got married with NO engagement ring...GASP...I know...it was crazy! But guess what? We were just as married, just as in love and when we got our marriage license, they never asked if we had an engagment ring. Can you even believe it??

Well today, he surprised me with a BEAUTIFUL diamond solitaire. We are no more married than we were then but boy do I love him even more now than I did then!!! Is it because of the ring? NO WAY!!! I love him more every day...ring or not! He is the best husband, father, friend, pastor, and partner in life than I could ever dream of asking for.

He promised me that he would love me (and our future family), lead me (and our future family), and cherish me (and our future family) and he has held up his end of the bargain. Even when it hasn't been easy and we have intense moments of fellowship, he loves and respects me and our family. I am so thankful for him every day, even when I didn't have an engagement ring. BUT I do now and I love it! Thank you, Micah...I love you!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Am I an Ahab?

I have been struggling reading through the books of the Kings and the Chronicles in the Old Testament the past week or so and find myself wondering...why in the world are these books included in the Bible? AND....don't act like you have NEVER thought the same thing! Obviously there are super smart Bible scholars, unlike myself, who can fit all these puzzle pieces together; however, I can barely fit 2 of the pieces together, much less all of these kings, lands, prophets, sons, daughters, etc. However, right in the middle of 2 Chronicles, this story jumped out at me. Literally, I am listening to 2 Chronicles on my phone and I stop putting my make-up on and just listen (not really long because I would have been later than usual to work)! God spoke and I tried to listen...I hope it speaks to you also!

So the story begins in 2 Chronicles 18. Jehosophat (king of Judah & good guy) is approached by Ahab (king of Israel & bad guy) about combining forces and attacking Ramothgilead (names are unimportant here...R will work just fine). So Ahab gathers all his "yes-men" (my word...actually prophets & other men) and asks their opinion of this plan. Their response: "Go up; for God will deliver it into the king's hand."(v.5). Jehosophat suggests asking another prophet but Ahab hesitates because "I hate him; for he never prophesied good unto me, but always evil" (v. 7). ( Sure, we can look at Ahab and think what a baby but really, do ANY of us seek out those who tell us the truth when we don't want to hear it?)  They ask him and sure enough, Micaiah tells him that "they will be delivered into your hand BUT I also saw Israel with no leader wandering like sheep and the Lord told them to return to their homes". (I am NO Bible scholar so if I am not 100% accurate on the interpretation of details...don't attack...I'll get to the big picture momentarily!) Of course Ahab is mad but Micaiah warns him that Ahab would hide himself but that he would see that Micaiah was telling him the truth.

Off the kings go into battle. The king of Syria had commanded his men to "fight ye not with small or great, save only with the king of Israel"(v. 29). Ahab tells Jehosophat that he will disguise himself but instructs Jehosophat to wear his robes. Of course they get into battle and the men attack Jehosophat (thinking he is the king of Israel). However, Jehosophat (remember good guy...in Chronicles terms...he walked in the ways of the Lord) "cried out, and the Lord helped him; and God moved them [Syrians] to depart from him"(v. 31) and they quit pursing him. It appears at this point that the prophet, Micaiah, was wrong...both kings made it. The Syrians were tricked and God's plan was not fulfilled. Wellllllll......not so fast. Verse 33 tells us that "a certain man drew a bow at a venture, and smote the king of Israel between the joints of his harness"and the king goes on to die by sundown. Some translations say a man drew a bow at "random." And while I will NOT debate translations, I would contend that the man may have shot the bow randomly but it was not random to God. His plan was fulfilled.

Why did the story resonate with me?? Because I put myself in that situation. How many times do I KNOW God's plan, but insist on doing things MY way? I can disguise "MY PLAN" however I want to. I can disguise it in seemingly noble church workgiving to those less fortuante, pleasant and "Godly" facebook statuses, blogs, smiles, empty kind words, (all of these things are GREAT and important and necessary) but God knows if I am walking with him. God knows if I am heeding to his call and submitting to his will and plan for me! God knows what I am disguising and hiding! He knows my heart and my inmost thoughts! God's plan will be fulfilled just like it was fulfilled for Ahab. We will not change that...we can submit to his will, walk in his ways, and trust in his guidance and protection. But we will not change his plan for our life!

This part is free...until we decide to accept his will for our lives...there will be no peace. My prayer for you and for me is that we can heed to Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 13: 5 "examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves".

Psalm 139: 23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I have a story to tell...

Micah has been preaching on the book of Joshua and God has been burdening me to share a story that I am super uncomfortable sharing. In my reading the Bible in 6 months, I start the book of Joshua tomorrow. I know what story I am going to read. The same one Micah KEEPS mentioning...the one about the Jordan River parting...God led Joshua to tell the priest to carry the Ark of the Covenant  to pass over Jordan. He told the priests just to step in and the people to follow and that the "waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above" Joshua 3:13. Really just step in and the waters are going to pull back? REALLY? Yep, really. That must have been very hard for Joshua, the priests and the people to believe. The banks were flooded because it was harvest time (3:15). But it happens "And as they that bare the ark were come into Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water...the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap...and the priests that bare the ark of the convenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan" Joshua 3:15-17. Every last person crossed over on dry ground...dry and clean to the other side. I'm not sure why God keeps leading me to this story but I THINK its because I usually think to myself: well, how does this apply to me? I don't need to cross a river...And now God's telling me that I have an example of this and I need to share.

While I have felt compelled to share this example in my life of how God blesses when we have faith and trust his guidance, I have been reluctant to do so. First, I do not want this to seem arrogant, boastful or pious. Secondly, I do not want to come off as insinuating that we live some sort  of perfect or charmed life because as all of you know that AIN'T THE TRUTH...blessed YES, perfect...HA! And lastly, the story deals with money and finances which is a touchy subject...for us and probably most of you. However, I really feel like God wants me to share this...someone, maybe just one person, needs to hear this testimony of God's blessings!

Am I bragging about my incredible faith that I exhibit daily and never waver in. Ha! I wish! Do I claim to always be in tune to God's will for my life and have a 5 step process to guide you to this revelation also? Nope...only One always knew what the Father had for him and he sits on the right hand of the Father today! Has our faithfulness and efforts to follow God's will for our life led us to complete financial freedom where we never have to "wait till payday" to do something. Goodness no! Just like everyone else, some months are tight and we eat deer meat out of the freezer until payday!

But there was this one time that we truly prayed and submitted to the Father. We were willing to take a step of faith even though we weren't sure where that next step would land. We trusted God to carry us and boy, did he show out and show up for us BIG TIME?!?! Wanna hear about it? Here goes...

Last Spring, I heard about a possible job opening in Magnolia Public Schools. It was a high school Math position...my love, my passion, my heart is with high school students. Why? Who KNOWS??? But I had a job that was great, in a school district that was WONDERFUL to me, with great friends and great co-workers. Why would I ever want to leave? I had to truly consider this, but I felt that it was time. It was time for me to go back in the classroom and teach Math to high school students, who do not want to be at school and certainly do not want to learn Math. As you can see, this is a very appealing job! I could not stop thinking about it. I wanted to teach. I wanted to teach Math. I wanted to teach high school, in my own classroom, every day.

So...here's the money part. Emerson - Taylor was paying for me to finish my Master's Degree. This was in the spring and I was due to graduate in the summer. If I left Emerson - Taylor, I would have to pay the district back for the fall semester and we would have to pay for the spring and summer semesters. Again, let me stress how thankful I am to everything Emerson - Taylor School District did for me. However, I could not get this job opening out of my head (and heart). Micah and I talked about it and thought it was just too much money. If it was the Lord's will, then another opportunity would come up. We agreed to keep praying but it just did not seem like the right time. I couldn't shake it...I talked to Micah and we put pencil to paper. We needed about $1,500 for each semester. We could come up with the money for 2 of the 3 semesters but just could not get the 3rd one without going in to debt, which we did not feel was best for us. This is not going to work out. I am disappointed but know that God will reveal his plan, in his time. On Sunday at church, 2 different people (who know NOTHING) about this job opening, ask me in passing, "so, when are you coming to Magnolia"? I immediately asked both why they asked such a question and both looked at me as if I were crazy. UMMMMM.....because we were being nice and making small talk! Oh ok...red face!

I relay these conversations to Micah and we go to bed Sunday night praying that God would reveal his plan.

Monday morning....Micah is heading to preach chapel at Seminary in Minden. I ask him what he is preaching on. Why did I ask? Who knows? I never ask...never! He replies: tithing. TITHING??? To a bunch of preachers, that is DUMB! He appreciated my support. We both leave and he calls me on my way to work...and I answer. Now, both of these things are strange, because he never calls (we only text) and never on my way to work. Secondly, I never answer my phone, but I did. He says, find out exactly what we owe to Emerson - Taylor... pursue this job if you want to; it will work out. I tell my superintendent that I plan to put my application in to Magnolia. He is kind, not quite supportive but kind, and says, "I'll let you know what you owe back to us... you'll get the interview and they will hire you." I put in a call to Magnolia to see when I can pick up my application. Now remember this all transpires before Micah ever even gets to the seminary or preaches.

When I get home, Micah relays this story to me. Get ready....He is preaching (on tithing..to a bunch of preachers...DUMB). He notices a guy that he doesn't know, sitting in the back. The guy has on a suit so Micah sort of assumes he's a preacher but doesn't really know for sure. After the sermon, as Micah and some others are about to head to lunch, the guy approaches him. The man tells him that he pastors in East Texas and on the way to the office this morning, he felt like he needed to drive to Minden to the Seminary (like a 3+ hour drive). They continue to talk for a few minutes as he compliments Micah's sermon. As they finish the conversation, he hands Micah a couple dollars. Micah insists he does not want the money but the man replies "yes, this is it, its just between us". Ok...so they go to lunch and when they get back, Micah gets the dollars out of his pocket to put in his wallet. Well...it was $1,623. Yes, you read that right. $1,623. The exact amount of money we needed to be able to pay for the 3rd semester! I know, I know....chill bumps!

I could continue on all night but I know this. God could not bless us until we were willing to trust him. The decision to pursue the job in Magnolia, that I knew God was leading me to, was made BEFORE we had the money. We decided to go forth and step off before we knew how it would work out.

Is it normal for people to walk up and give you $1,623? I wish but no. It's not! But God does not always work things out the way we imagine they should be. I have no guidance, no wise words...just a testimony of God's faithfulness and how he blesses when we follow HIM! Those Israelites had no hard proof that Joshua was right and the Jordan was going to part for them. It took a lot of faith for them to gather all of their belongings and follow but they did. God doesn't ask us to understand his plan, but simply to trust Him.

My prayer for myself is "Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus; anywhere, everywhere, I will follow on"!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Let your light shine...even if it shines differently than mine!

Before I start writing, let me just throw out this disclaimer: this post is neither aimed at anyone in particular nor is it meant to incite an argument (or riot) or hurt feelings. I am not saying that my family and I are doing things perfectly or that you are doing them badly...just weighing in on a topic that seems to flood my thoughts recently.

There seems to be a ever increasingly popular trend in this strange cyber world that consumes many of our waking hours of blogging about, posting, linking pictures, etc of the innovative and creative things that we are doing to raise our family and to boast of what a wonderful job we are doing as mothers, wives, and Christians. It seems if you do not plan a daily routine around educational, biblical based activities for you children, then you are less of a mother and certainly a less than stellar Christian. If you love your child then you will have morning educational time, then a healthy sandwich cut into Larry from the Veggie Tales for lunch, then an on schedule nap at 11:57. While the offspring are sleeping peacefully in their beds, you should first exercise then spend the next hour planning the next month's lessons while washing clothes with your homemade clothes detergent and reading a highly educational and challenging non - fiction book. According to schedule you must wake the children up at 1:57...2 hours is ample time for a nap and we all know you should have your children trained to not get out of their bed until they are given permission (if they happen to already be awake). The afternoon should be spent on their studies and possible physical activity outside where children should be identifying various leaves and insects that are in the biome in which they live. All of this will be followed by a fully balanced dinner......OK I'll stop! But you get the idea!

There was recently a Facebook post of a mother who was in essence challenging this idea of the perfect mother and wife. And I do not want this to sound as if I am against any of these things...I am NOT! And if this schedule works for you, GREAT!!!! More power to you! However, I do not feel like I am doing my children any injustice by working outside of the home and sending one to daycare and one to public school. However, many blogs, websites,  facebook pages, etc. can make you feel as if you are a little bit less of a mother or wife or Christian because of these choices. Also, to my stay at home mom friends (and I have lots of them)..you know I do not ever diminish or make light of what you do...we ain't all cut out of that mold! (Just for the record, I love a schedule...my claim to fame is a strict 8 PM bedtime for my kids...but relinquish that this is not the ONLY acceptable choice...it simply works for us!)

My point in all of this rambling is that we are missing the point! Isn't the point to let our light shine before men?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
The light we are supposed to be shining is not our light and what great things we have done and what great mothers, wives, and Christians we are. Our light should always point to Him! Our light should not be divisive or offensive and our light should not try to outshine others. When we are shining towards Him and looking to Him, we don't know what others' lights look like! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in comparing ourselves to others that we forget whose opinion really matters! Trying to outdo/impress one another, whether it be through the wonderful activities we design for our children, or the exhaustingly rigid routine that we have perfected, or by the Christian education we are providing for our children in our homes, or by the wonderful homemade recipes we come up with (and you know I love to cook so I'm preaching to myself here) ...all takes away from the One who we should all be striving to please in the first place.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

Again, none of these things are innately bad. Competing with them is distracting, consuming, and harmful. I am not against any great activities or sharing them. You know I love to share a quote or picture of my crazy kids. And because someone shared their idea, we did a wonderful activity at Christmas time with a paper chain with scriptures (I'll share sometime). Sharing is great...but let us all watch the spirit in which we share. I should not be trying to outdo you but to please Him!
Let us all remember "we are his workmanship"...Ephesians 2:10.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.... (that's the southern version)!

Final disclaimer here: I know there are some run - on sentences here and my mother and sister will cringe but I can't fix it...too much typing as I was thinking.