Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Let's Try This...

So this is my first time at this whole blogging thing.I really don't have time to do this and know this is probably a bad idea before I even begin. My goal of this blog is, and prayerfully will always be, to honor and glorify Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Who knows how this will go? It will probably be a whole lot of whatever is on my mind each day - funny stories about the kids, recipes, books, prayer requests and my one goal is to blog about the great things God does in my life on a daily basis. I hope you enjoy. Here we gooooooo..........


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you decided to blog. If it's anything like your facebook status updates I'm sure it will be worth reading. I love the fun anecdotes about Walker and Tatum. So be encouraged. You have a reader (I've found blogging to be more fun if someone actually reads it, lol).

  2. Well, I cleaned up my blog and started anew so we can follow each other and keep everyone entertained.

    Love you!
