Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And then I burned the bread...

I am generally a pretty forgetful person. I have to write stuff down or I will never remember. I thought I would love on my iphone and ipad where I can make notes and reminders for myself. But generally, I make lists and reminders and forget to look back at them. I make about 8 lists before we go on a trip because I always forget that I have already started one. I am just forgetful, I admit it. But lately things have really gotten out of hand. So the latest adventures of the Carters began last Saturday when I left my purse at my mother's house in Minden. I know you are thinking, "how do you leave your purse?" Well, quite easily. My keys and my phone were on the counter, so I grabbed them and the kids and got in the car and left. This wouldn't be quite so bad except for that I got to the only gas station between Minden and Magnolia and realized that I desperately needed gas. And I have no method of payment! So I use my higer order thinking skills and decide, do I have enough gas to make it back to Minden or do I need to go on to Magnolia. I determine it is in our best interest to go on to Magnolia. So we make it home with about 12 miles to empty! WHEW!!! I wish I had my black purse!

My sweet husband fills my car up with gas for me Sunday night because we never had time during the day Sunday to get my sweet, precious, super important purse back!

Monday starts off a little rocky also. I forget my travel cup of coffee at home, which I have never done but I knew I would be really late to work if I went back home so I just prayed Mrs. Kathy would have some made when I got there and praise Jesus she did!!! So you are thinking, just stop at the gas station and get some...but remember I have no method of payment!I also forgot to take Walker's jacket to school that morning. And you immediately think oh well, no big deal. Yes, it is...I'm a teacher... we talk about people who send their children to school inappropriately dressed for the weather. And for the record, yes I drove to school without my driver's license. I was very careful and had my whole story ready for the cop that I was sure would pull me over. I just know they can tell I am driving without my license! I only forget a few more minor things on Monday and again, can't work it out where I can meet Mama to get my purse back. I really miss my purse! I have big plans to go to the grocery store, get my bunco gift, etc when I realize I have no method of payment!! I shamefully ask Micah to meet me at the store to buy my goods for me. That only hurt my pride a little. I really need my purse back.

Tuesday morning is relatively uneventful, I ride with a co-worker to a meeting and the day is ok. I did forget to ask Micah for money for lunch so I had to borrow $20 out of Walker's bank. This is getting terrible! My co-worker brings me home and I get ready to go get the kids and realize I have forgotten my keys in her car. At this point, I quit missing my purse and really just miss by brain cells working! I leave to go get the kids so we can go meet Mama to get my purse. Micah reminds me to please not forget the kids and we are on our way. We make it to Shongaloo (yes, I still have no driver's license with me) and wait on Mom. After about 20 minutes, I call her. She's never late when we meet, just me! Through a terrible miscommunication (mostly on my part), mom thinks we are not meeting and is still in Minden! I sadly turn north and head home. I have to explain to Walker and Tatum that I am sorry, I can't stop at the gas station and get you a snack because again, I have no method of payment! Stupid purse!

We finally make it home and I start on supper that thankfully was in the crockpot so it doesn't matter if you forget about it. My crockpot will turn off after 10 hours...thank goodness! I get supper ready and we are about to eat. Then, I smell something...I forgot the rolls in the oven. Somebody, anybody, if you have any way of getting my purse from Minden to Magnolia or if you see my brain walking around somewhere, please return them both to me. I miss them both so much. We had a really great thing going before they left. I will be really nice to them from now on if they will just give me another chance.

Why did I choose to blog about this? Because as I am typing it I am laughing at myself. Am I lamenting over my terrible misfortune and how awful my life is? Naaaaaahhhh...you know me better than that! It's so much fun just to laugh at myself. Micah says maybe I should start this day over and try again. I think starting the week over would be more beneficial! Happy Tuesday, everybody!!!

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